pressure washing reno nevada

What are The 5 Principles of Cleaning?

There are 5 fundamental cleaning concepts that must be applied in tandem, whether you are cleaning a floor, a wall, dishes, or anything else. Power Clean Pros, a pressure washing service in Reno, Nevada covers cleaning procedures in detail. Here is the list:

  • Time
  • Temperature
  • Mechanical action
  • Chemical action
  • Practice

To do the specified task most effectively and affordably, these five must be properly balanced. If one of the five fundamentals loses strength, the other four must gain strength in order to complete the task. It is essential for operators to keep the right proportion of the fundamentals.



This is true regardless of how long the work is actually done for. A floor will be cleaner if you sweep it for 10 minutes as opposed to five, according to common sense, all else being equal.



For the needed function, various occupations call for certain temperatures. For instance, hot water makes it easier to cut oil than cold water. The greater temperature that produces steam is helpful for several other tasks. The right temperature needs to be matched with the specific cleaning issue.

Mechanical Action


The friction or the force necessary to complete the task are other names for mechanical activity. It depends on how firmly you rub your hands together after washing them or how hard you press the mop down to clean the floor.

Chemical Action


This is the strength of the cleaning process’s chemical agents. It is the quantity and strength of detergent that you must use to finish the given task.



The most crucial cleaning principle is to follow proper cleaning and sanitizing techniques.

Numerous business owners are assisted in improving their facility hygiene practices by Power Clean Pros, pressure washing service. They also offers power/pressure washing, 

concrete pressure washing, paver cleaning, concrete cleaning, house exterior wash, glass and mirror cleaning. 

Visit their website for additional information and to discover how to maintain your facility’s cleanliness most effectively and affordably. 


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